In English

The Billund Countryside Council (BLDR) is an umbrella organization formed by the eight local councils inside the municipality of Billund.

Each local council represents a district that offers good living opportinities for modern families.

Geopgraphical orientation


1. Filskov
2. Hejnsvig-Donslund
3. Skjoldbjerg-Almstok
4. Stenderup-Krogager
5. Sønder Omme, Bøvl
6. Nollund-Urup-Eg
7. Vesterhede
8. Vorbasse

The center-cities Billund and Grindsted do not have local councils.

Contacts to local countryside councils on their own webpages:
(chairman, in danish: formand)

Skjoldbjerg-Almstok, Urup-Eg-Nollund and Vesterhede do not yet have their own websites.

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